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An adjective used to describe UGGS, a very ugly style of boots that became popular for inexplicable reasons.

I can't believe Sheila bought UGGS. They're so UGGly!

by kristalkristine December 14, 2008

66πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Combining the words 'Ugg' (as in boots, typical attire of preppy types) and 'ugly', this word denotes a Rah/Sloane who, despite their expensive garb, remains ugly.

Damn, that girl Pippa is such an Uggly...

by gusuh January 10, 2008

13πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


1. The ugly boots that everyone is wearing that we cool like 9 years ago with shorts.

2. Poop or Fecal matter.

1. "Damn, look at all of them Ugglies."

2. "Bad dog, you made ugglies again."

by LAnGAr December 27, 2008

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


1. Someone so ugly it has to be pronounced with another g.

Often used after a drunken escapade and a one night stand. Most often used by people with the name of Jay aka. Terrance.

1. You're not just ugly you are uggly.
2. Dude, that girl you went home with smelt like rotten cheese and was damn uggly.

by Uggly November 28, 2006

7πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

uggly buggly

When somebody is so ugly that they look sort of like a bug, they are referred to as "uggly buggly." This is a step past ugly, but not far enough to be deformed.

Often, this term is reserved for gross looking people who still act like complete skanks, which just furthers their ugliness.

Guy 1: "Do you see that girl over there? I wouldn't hit that even if I was drunk enough to have sex with an exhaust pipe."

guy 2: "Yeah dude, she is uggly buggly"

by hey-zeus christo March 27, 2013

14πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

uggli muggli

a very ugly disturbing looking face.usaually involves nose cocked eyed eyes or bulging lips very large over powering teeth that takes up the face.

a plain old uggli muggli.

by dasha and sha April 24, 2008

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Possessing or displaying one or multiple characteristics of Uggs.

Jerusalokiahemnet: β€œwoah, your new shoes are mad uggly.”
Dr Hyde: β€œThanks, they’re the Kirkland Signature alternative for Uggs.”

by WomenSlayerrrrrrrrrr May 11, 2024