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UMFS Sheppard

A piece of shit, originating from UMFS, with pieces of corn and black beans stuck inside of it. It smells really bad and usually clogs the toilet.

dude 1 - "Dude, why does the whole house smell like rank shit?"
dude 2 - "because I ate a nasty empanada and took a UMFS Sheppard"

by the dirtiest sanchez ever November 22, 2019

UMFS Sheppard

When a fat whore, originating from UMFS, sucks dicks to get promotions. Often bites dicks by accident with her snaggly teeth.

Doctor - "how did you get those scratch marks on your penis?"
Patient - "Sarah gave me a UMFS Sheppard..."

by Jesus Butt Fuckin' Christ November 23, 2019

UMFS Sheppard

The product of a mexican breeding with a gremlin, that after years of whoring, saves up enough money to go to UMFS.

Man, I got herpes from this ugly bitch, the UMFS Sheppard

by angel cakes 99 November 23, 2019