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US Team

The favorite to win all events in the Olympics, especially swimming.

Onvthe US Team for swimming, Lochte, Phelps, and the others took advantage of their being the favorite and won gold in the 4x200 in a time far better than the other countries.

by proamerican August 1, 2012

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US Funk Team

An indie rock band from Philadelphia. Many say that they sound like Modest Mouse. This is especially true with regards to the vocals.

They put on a killer live show.

Kendall- Do you want to go see US Funk Team?
Kyle- Sure, can Jessie come too?
Kendall- No, she's on tour with J-Lo.
Kyle- Oh, bummer.
Kyle & Kendall- FUNK!

by Kyle R November 4, 2005

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Team Us

The coolest team of kings ever created. They enjoy making nachoes, winning kings, and fluently speaking in other accents when drunk. The team consists of Sock, Girl, Blue sweater, and Invisible hat. They have arch nemesis of team you. They will always beat team you, in any drinking game.

"Only team us deserves the nachoes, cuz we won every drinking game, and kicked team you's ass."

by team us February 21, 2009

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