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united states federal government

a complettly bogus and useless waste of money.

ewww.... I stepped in the united states government

by austin November 14, 2003

42👍 23👎

united states federal government

Defunct and Broke. Run by criminals and special interests. Lack of progress due to indifference and corruption. A place where neocons rule and democrats hide under their desks in the fetal position scared of taking a stance. Basically a completely worthless social/governmental institution.

My bank account is like the united states federal government

by Nebacanezer 2000 November 16, 2003

30👍 16👎

united states federal government

not a direct democracy; a republic of the elite autocrats doing what ever the hell want to do with your hard earned cash(i.e. not you, democrats, or minorities)

United states federal government has no fiscal discipline...you bastards

by zach hill February 14, 2005

16👍 18👎

United States federal government

Not Toni Neilson, or any other performance debater, or any debater other than the awesome Nirav Patel for that matter.

The United States federal government is not Toni Neilson, or any other performance debater.

by Trad Debater August 3, 2004

37👍 26👎

United States Federal Government

A bunch of lying, back-stabbing, double-crossing, faggot-ass theives. Exhibit a nasty holier-than-thou attitude. They have their eyes on you, their ears on your phone line, and their head up everyone's ass.

Be a thief, the government hates competition.

Area 51 does exist, and they've got some weird-ass shit in there. If you try to fly over it, F/A-18's run you off.

by yu suk November 16, 2003

20👍 18👎

United States Federal Government

Whitey's evil plan to keep the black man down. See also nazi government.

Yo, the United States Federal Government has a a crazy trip on yo ass.

by JMB November 16, 2003

8👍 21👎