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describes someone who thinks they're so perfect, they don't interact with anyone as to not influence them in any way

unmitigated andrew never ages or changes. dermatologists hate him

by pitsmgee December 13, 2016

6👍 9👎

unmitigated gall

the nerve or balls to do something.

You have the "unmitigated gall" to strip in public!

by ntr2012 January 7, 2012

101👍 11👎

unmitigated clusterfuck

A term used to describe an extremely dire situation or where events have not gone the intended way.

"I cant believe it. This orgy is a complete unmitigated clusterfuck!"

by TheMightyFlam August 7, 2015

Unmitigated misery

The feeling you get when you're at a party, and you say "YOLO" even though it's FUCKING ANNOYING, and drink a shitload, then 2 weeks later you're on the toilet looking at your positive pregnancy test. Also associated with when you just feel fucked. It is unparalleled misery that others laugh at until you commit suicide. Or beat them senseless.

It's fun to laugh at that cunt's unmitigated misery ^_^

by Itzthreepeat June 18, 2012

3👍 1👎

Unmitigated Gall Precision

Extreme chutzpah,
An overabundance of nerve and gall equated to a sharp shooter.

Unmitigated Gall Precision: The new Supervisor has zero respect. His new rules are the highest level of gall possible! He's overdosing on Unmitigated Gall Precision or UGP.

by Opus Broker August 15, 2018

1👍 1👎

unmitigated buffoonery

Any situation that could conceivably have arisen , where the sheer scale and levels of uttetrly abject stupidity could not have possibly been predicted or indeed legislated for .

This decision is so preposterously overflowing with unmitigated buffoonery that I may have to go and cut out my own brain .

Can you believe the previously unsurpassed level of unmitigated buffoonery that has led to a committee of horrifically incompetent clown shoes re-electing that fucking cretin back into that position ? No wonder fucking lions eat their young

by Napoleon BonerPart March 13, 2023