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A LAN party done by a russian. Mainly consisting of males and computers.
Computer games, Caffeine and Women all combined into one long night.

"You ready for the vLAN on Saturday?"
"You better believe it!"

by Peach November 9, 2003

11👍 8👎


A gross person that annoys everyone around them. Also see bleiben

Ew, its Natalie. She's such a vlan.

by tasha meow November 6, 2019

3👍 2👎


The act of passing gas, or anything displeasing.

The kitty vlan!
I just vlanned.
Ew, this pizza is so vlan.
What is she even wearing, that girl is such vlan.
Honestly, who vlanned?

by Laureen Stumpstle March 6, 2008

2👍 10👎