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Vampires Suck

A movie that well... kind of sucked. Based on the previews, it really didn't look bad. Anything that has dancing werewolves and a spoof about some of those insane team Edward/Jacob fans can't be too bad, right? Wrong. This movie is only 80 minutes, but it feels much longer. The movie drags on, and the plot is just random. It has a few good moments that make you laugh, but for the most part, you just want it to end. It doesn't even matter if you love or hate Twilight. Both Twilight lovers and haters could have enjoyed this movie. Instead, lovers hate it because it doesn't even make sense, and haters hate it because it is a lame parody of Twilight. Overall, it is a complete waste of time and money. Enjoy.

Boy #1: "Vampires Suck? Isn't that the movie that makes fun of Twilight? I want to see it!"

Boy #2: "Yeah, well Vampires Suck sucks even more than Edward Cullen with a sippy cup of blood!"

by craziness15 September 11, 2010

55👍 20👎

Vampires Suck

Another one of those spoof movies made by the same guys who made Meet the Spartans , Disaster Movie and etc but this time attacking The Twilight series . If you've seen Meet the Spartans and/or Disaster Movie, You know this movie is going to be shit. No I hate Twilight so I am not defending it.

Friend 1: Hey man want to see a movie?

Friend 2: Sure, what is it?

Friend 1: Vampires suck, it's made by the same guys who made Disaster movie and Meet the Spartans. It's going to be funny!

Friend 2: I hate you GTFO of my sight.

by CsDaMan August 5, 2010

65👍 40👎

Vampires Suck

The most epic spoof movie to come out this summer. For all the people who are tired of the stupid "Team Jacob" or "Team Edward" b.s.

Tagline: "From the guys that couldn't sit through another vampire movie"

Person 1: What are you doing on August 18th?
Person 2: Watching Vampires Suck

by Princess03 August 10, 2010

46👍 61👎

vampires suck

the most awesome movie out! makes twilight look like crap! if you haven't seen it your missing out!

person 1: you want to see twilight?

person 2: are you crazy vampires suck is way better!

by lrn_strn15 September 6, 2010

39👍 52👎

Vampiric Suck And Fuck

When you suck on someone's penis and then lightly bite it to draw blood and let the blood cover his cock and then he penetrates your anus and uses the blood as lubricant

Want a vampiric suck and fuck

by TheKumquatKid January 13, 2021

5👍 1👎

vampire time suck

A person or thing that, like a vampire, sucks an inordinate amount of time from your schedule.

"Remember that software bug I found? Well, I was working on that vampire time suck of a project for hours."

by Metrosexuwell April 29, 2009

6👍 5👎

Vampire dick sucking

Vampire dick sucking occurs when the one individual performing the act of fellatio bites the head off of the reciever's penis, then proceeds to suck all the blood from the penis and the rest of the body for adequate nutrients

Potential method of suicide, not a popular choice

Tim: Did you hear about the mishap with Stacy's diet?
Joe: Nah bruh give me the dirt
Tim: she got so hungry that she sucked the life out of her boyfriend during netflix and chill, vampire style yo
Joe: damn yo, that vampire dick sucking ain't no joke

by Le bass wuber March 18, 2018

5👍 4👎