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Vanilla Unicorn

The name of the strip club in GTA 5.

Imma go to the vanilla unicorn tonight.

by A country Motherfucker March 15, 2019

11👍 1👎

vanilla unicorn

When a male ejaculates in a condom enough times to completely fill it up and then freezes it, and uses it as a dildo whilst getting a blowjob from his boyfriend. This isn't specifically a male affair, it can be with lesbian females as well.

Male 1: Hey sexy
Male 2: Hey hot-stuff
Male 1: You still want to get a Vanilla Unicorn tonight?
Male 2: Hell yes, got the condom?
Male 1: Oh yeah
Male 2: Alright! See you at 8 baby

by Fucks sake are there no pseudo May 31, 2014

24👍 17👎

Vanilla Unicorn

A word to describe how Benny is sexually vanilla

Use Vanilla Unicorn in any way you want when describing Benny

by Yhournumberonefan December 4, 2019