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Virgin Pass

Virgin Pass Aka owning Ark Mobile. You can give it to your Friend who plays Ark Mobile and is on multiple Server. But he has Virgin Pass+ when he always Follow and likes every girl he sees on Tiktok

Look at Konstantin he has Ark Mobile
*Hands Virgin Pass

by Blacknaid December 4, 2020

20👍 1👎

Virgin Pass

Another term for the Fortnite Battle Pass

Jamie: Yo Rob you get the Virgin Pass?

Rob: Yeah
Jamie: You are now a certified virgin.

by Nate F. March 16, 2019

Virgin Pass

the virgin pass is another word for the fortnite battle pass. It is something that only a true virgin would buy and when they do, they treasure it like their most prized possesion.

Jake: Y'all did you here that new kid bought the virgin pass?
James: Oh yeah, he's a true virgin now.

by 3numbers December 14, 2018