Source Code

warp speed

Driving excessively fast in an automobile. Extreme speeding.

The Porsche blew through the red light at warp speed, with the police in hot pursuit.

by Rod Brock July 27, 2006

36👍 9👎

Warp Speed Shit

The act of taking a shit so difficult that your vision starts to fade and you see stars much like the effect in Star Trek when the ship goes into warp speed. If you exceed a warp factor of ten that means your intestines just came out of your anus.

Picard: Where were you? You've been in the can for over an hour?

Riker: I had a warp speed shit.

Picard: Oh what factor?

Riker: Ten...Excuse me I have to go see the doctor now.

by Evil McBain September 1, 2010

18👍 3👎

Take Picard to warp speed

To have a Wank - usually whilst watching Star Trek.

I was watching Star Trek Voyager, and that Borg bitch in the tight shit is so hot, I had to take Picard to warp speed - twice!

by Cinocat December 1, 2011

Taking Captain Pickard to Warp Speed 5

Pulling your cock in a furious manner while locked in your bedroom after telling your parents that you have gone upstairs to 'watch Star Trek'!

"I am just off to bed mum as Star Trek is coming on and you want to watch Grey's Anatomy. Tonight it is my favourite episode when the Star Ship Enterprise is Taking Captain Pickard to Warp Speed 5!"

"It's alright son, you can just say your having a wank!"

by Johnny 2 Sheds! May 29, 2009

20👍 6👎