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washing eyes

this expression comes from hebrew, mostly used by men when they are surrounded by various hot ladies. the reason behind it, is the theoratical action of eyes that are being washed by the sight of many good-looking men/women.

friend: dude, look at all these hot chicks, this is the best party ever man!
you: yeap...nothing like washing the eyes, and free alcohol too!

by Joselito August 24, 2005

Eye wash

1. (Adj.) - something that hurts the eyes to watch.

2. - something done improperly

3. - an action that serves no purpose

Player 1: did you see that outfielder let the ball drop right in front of him?

Player 2: yeah dude, that was eye wash

by Dingus45 February 6, 2019

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Eye Wash

The act of getting shampoo/soap in your eye when in the bath or shower

Dude! I totally just had an eye wash in the shower!

by Geri Boo November 8, 2010

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Emergency Eye Wash

When you are receiving a blow job, you instantly pull out and spurt your cum all over her face.

Bob pulled the emergency eye wash stunt on Ann. She was surprised!!

by sparkman1526 November 1, 2012

wash the eyes

to deceive; to mislead.

You always try to wash the eyes of the public. You have fallen from grace in the public eye.

by uttam maharjan August 4, 2011

Eye Wash Station

When you're about to cum, you put your dickhole right on her eye and blast.

Last night Ashley never saw that eye wash station coming, now she won't see anything coming for a while.

by 666tacos April 10, 2019