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we're all in this together

A phrase that people say nowadays, because the coronavirus is decimating the population of the earth. Saying that basically means that we are going to fight the coronavirus together which makes no sense, since the only people actually "fighting" the virus is doctors and nurses. The whole point in people saying this is to get people to stop freaking out over it, because although the coronavirus is more contagious and deadlier than the normal flu, very few people actually die from the virus. (side note: although it is a nuisance to most people, to some, they have things to worry about. In the big picture, coronavirus does affect the economy.)

"We're all in this together" says Tom. John replies by saying, "Bruh, the only people who are actually working are doctors and nurses while we can't fricken go anywhere since the lockdown!"

by TROLLKING9001 June 5, 2020

26👍 14👎