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Well done

Well done !
" For it matters not how small the beginning may seem to be. What is once well done, is well done forever "

Well done is better than well said !

by sLg March 24, 2004

111๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Well done

When one roasts someone to the point they no longer are capable of being roasted

Calm down Kyle, Phil is well done

by Weter September 18, 2015

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Well done

In culinary circles, an ironic term for red meat which has been drastically overcooked, destroying all or most of its flavor and rendering a toughness and texture akin to that of shoe leather.

ORIGINS: In fact, during the Great Depression, many restaurants and diners were unable to purchase enough beef, and began sneaking out at night to carve slices out of the uppers of the shoes & boots of bums sleeping in their doorways. This material was then soaked in a brine for several days, strained, and thrown on the grill just for any customers whose order specified their meat be cooked "fully through, till grey and thoroughly well done". As the most available brand of boots at the time were embossed with their maker's name, "Wellington", some experts believe the term well-done was simply a mistaken attempt to order some more of what the patron believed to be a famous "Wellington" brand steak. Since purchase of a brand name product in those days was associated with wealth and refinement, it is likely that in the early days, those ordering the "Wellington" steaks did so purely as an attempt to one-up their fellows or announce their status, despite its inferior pallatability when compared with less prestigious, non-branded steaks. Over time, the misguided confusion between a Wellington, a well-done, and displays of status became permanently lodged in the culture so that the destruction of otherwise good meat by this pauper's cooking method still persists to this very day.

Other scholars believe this term, or its equivalent, originated when an ancient cave-chef, totally inept at grilling meat, yet trying to get some (insert your favorite euphemism here) from a sexy naive young cave temptress, tried to hide his ineptitude and utter desicration of a choice cut of buffalo or whatever the hell they ate, by responding to her complaints about the meat's dryness and lack of flavor by saying, "You said you liked it cooked well. This is well-done. It is rare to get a steak that can safely be consumed with the center bloody and pinkish-red, and I didn't want you to get food poisoning." Cave languages being somewhat less verbally sophisticated, however, this would probably sound to the modern ear more like "unga bunga", accompanied by various gestures, snorts, and other ape-like movements.

"Isn't it funny how a steak that's well-done is anything but done well?"

by FunkyBumpkin April 29, 2005

47๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Well done

an insult connected to how badly something is done. particularly sarcastic.

person 1: "i just pulled Amy"
person 2: "well done!"

person 1: "mothers are involved"
person 2: "weeeellllllll done!!!"

by Flidwyn McRichardson III September 3, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Well done

The reply you give to someone either online or verbally; in order to show that you clearly aren't listening and/or don't care.

Man:"Dude! I just unlocked a tonne of COD achievements!!!"

Woman:"Well done."

by Harper1443 January 17, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Well Done

Style of cooking red meat, particularly steak, in which it is burnt and overcooked, draining it of flavor and making it tough and chewy. Can be used as a nice way of saying burnt/overcooked, as in example.

(Restaurant Customer after recieving over cooked steak) Excuse me sir, I asked for this cooked medium rare, not well done.

by Josh Needham March 4, 2005

55๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Well Done

The one and only phrase ever said by the Well Done lady. Origionaly appearing on a rat extermination game, "Well Done" has become a frequent part of the "Spacko Language".

Well done is a phrase of jubilation and joy.

DUDE #2: Well Done!

by Neon December 12, 2004

25๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž