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where to

Welsh expression for "where is it?" or "where are you?"

Where is Pete to, or where is the club to

by Chris Tough January 22, 2004

54๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

where to

Bristolian slang/expression for "where is it", "where are you" and "where abouts".

Chloe: "i've left my wallet behind"
Sean: "Where to?"

John: "i'm about five mintutes from the club!"
Tom: "cool mate, where are you to?"

Pete: "the bank is just down the road"
Paul: "Where abouts is it to?"

by Steve James April 11, 2006

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where to

cornish expression for "where abouts" or "where is it". basicly means "where".

densil : heard they be making Paaaaaaasssstys down road.
Trevelyan : Where to ever?.

by richard searle December 13, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž



Person 1: where is it
Person 2: there
Person 1: WHERE
Person2: THERE
After five years they kept of saying where and there, they died doing it, some say their still fighting to this day

by Mr.Bruhman December 19, 2019

41๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

to where (it's)

(idiom) an informal expression used to express that something has changed--usually for the worse--or that situation has developed into a particular state of affairs

Cultural context: "To where (it's)" is an effective and efficient communication tool. However, there is a socio-economic divide regarding it's usage. The expression is most often employed by yokels, commonfolk, and blue collar types. It is rarely used by their highly educated white collar counterparts because the phrase is foreign to some and consciously eschewed by others (e.g. the factions of yuppie douchebags who think their shit don't stink and pedantic stick-up-their-ass intellectuals who cherish proper grammar and strive to speak in paragraph form.)

"to where": The shift supervisor is never satisfied with our production numbers no matter how much we exceed target. It's gotten to where we're asking ourselves why we even try anymore...

"to where (it's)": Sure, the Mustang still runs like a raped ape, but sometimes the transmission sticks to where it's nearly impossible to short-shift on the drag strip.

by Bozo McScrotus September 24, 2017

Where it's at

A term used to give an indirect importance to a noun. The word "it" obviously refers to what the person is referring to in general context as in:

"The Club? Down two streets, and take a left. On Sherbrooke street is where it's at."

But, it can be used when "it" hasn't been specified and the user merely intends to give it prime importance, such as:

"Simple Plan? No way, they suck big cock. The Rasmus is where it's at now."

by Comrade Karl July 15, 2006

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no where

A compilation of all of the places a loaner has been and lived.

Hey, where are you from?

No where.

by Mandy McCoy June 20, 2008

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