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white beach

A beach where the drug trade is limited and acquiring recreational drugs becomes difficult; a problem arises because most youth seek drugs while at the beach even if they are not regular users back home.

Yo Keith when we go down to Ocean City you wanna get some weed?
Nah man, thats a white beach. Let's go down to Miami instead.

by KeiththeSneak December 14, 2007

8👍 1👎

white beach

a beach which is covered in people who are completely pale.
this will follow up with a red beach, when these people finally realise that they were not meant to tan.

Jess: You want to go hang out on Oriental Parade?
Lisa: No way, that place is a complete white beach!

by Citronic October 21, 2007

3👍 12👎

Beached White Male

Due to the prolonged economic down-turn not even the traditionally "safe" demographic of white, middle aged, educated males has not remained safe from unemployment due to a dwindling middle-class. Once executive or professional, their employability now is as hopeless as a "beached whale's" survivability.

BMW, for short, it's an ironic turn of phrase. Also known as "Dead Suit Walking".

Look at that Beached White Male over there. He went from driving a BMW to being one!

by Tenacious Faulker April 27, 2011

18👍 4👎