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white mage

A magician/wizard/whatever who is highly skilled with healing magic and does not need a staff/wand to use magic.
Most often than not,white mages are women.

Rosa,Final Fantasy 2,SNES version.
'nuff said.

by (insert witty name here) January 2, 2004

55👍 18👎

White Mage


A very curious creature, seemingly and unintentionally attracts the Black Mage.

And is then dealt with even more curious pick-up lines.

Black Mage: Are you from Venus?

White Mage: Uh no, why?.

Black Mage: Cause' baby, your ass is outta' 'dis world!

by Meterex December 19, 2010

15👍 7👎

White Mage

White Mage
n. 1. A term used commonly in fantasy. Symbolizes priest without duty to religion. 2. A class in Final Fantasy and likely other videogames. 3. An 8-bit character, who Black Mage has a crush on.
See also white magic

1. Theres a White Mage in Rotterdam.
2. My party has a White Mage. Nyah nyah.
3. Better watch out for White Mages hammer.

by Cyclone231 April 22, 2004

23👍 14👎

White Mage

Ther person you don't fuck with.

"That's right! I'm the White Mage! And nobody, fucks, with the White Mage!

by AncientDuckie June 2, 2021

6👍 2👎

White Mage

Wielder of White Magic. Uses healing powers to strenghten and heal allies. Also can use magic to harm the undead. In Final Fantasy, it is one of the most important jobs. Generally a woman. In FFXI, this job is usually left to the Tarutaru. If you play this job, you can be spammed for continuous cures by the dead people you pass. Also the job class with the weakest defense.

Deadguy: raise me!
WhiteMage: Why?
Deadguy: cuz youre a white mage! it's ur job!
WhiteMage: *casts magic*
Deadguy: Yes!!!!!11! Woot!!!
Goblin hits WhiteMage for 1425 points of damage.
WhiteMage falls to the ground.
Deadguy: u suck.

by Mattacon November 28, 2005

17👍 10👎