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why am i single?

No one loves you!!!!!!!

MIke: why am I single?
Joe: no one loves you mike that's why your single!!!!!!

by U_nom_ December 11, 2017

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Why am I single?

A common exclamation of disappointment one makes when they can't fathom the reason for not having a romantic or sexual partner, often made by someone who's answer is obvious, but refuses to improve themselves.

A smart person: Because you're unlovable
Me: Shut up Susan I have a great personality
A smart person: My name's not Susan

by jsdfhcnsdfhru May 16, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

why am i single

Why am I single?

You are single because you are on this website asking why your single and not going out side and kissing random people.

You: -Looking up on urban dictionary 'Why am I single’

Urban dictionary: because you never go out side and your wasting your time on this website, idiot

by A and I soup that's gay for yo December 21, 2019

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