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Wii u

A game console that will Wii on u

"HAHA"said the Wii U."I just Wii on U!".

by 62505 May 26, 2018

35πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Wii U

Nintendo's eighth generation home console, successor to the Wii, released in 2012
the Wii mostly targeted casual gamers, but the Wii U will target both casual and hardcore gamers
the controller looks like a traditional controller but has a big touch screen, almost like a tablet
it is said to be 50% more powerful than the PS3, but the power is likely to get over taken by the next PlayStation and Xbox, and showcased games of current generation
it will not be capable of playing DVD or Blu-Rays, but is backwards compatible with Wii games

the console itself looks like the Xbox 360 and Wii had a child

the Wii U; terrible name, but nonetheless...

Finally, Zelda, Mario, Metroid and Super Smash Bros. all in HD!

A: The Wii U? more like Pee Yew!
B: lol, epic fail

by SCB '92 June 16, 2011

262πŸ‘ 147πŸ‘Ž

Wii U

An 8th-generation video game console announced in 2011, and released in 2012. While it may seem that it competes with the Xbox One and PS4 directly, Nintendo has stated themselves that this is not true.

What separates this from other video game consoles the unique controller: the Wii U Gamepad. This controller has a 6" touch-screen built into it for unique/new ways to play video games. Surprisingly, it also is very comfortable. It does not use motion controls at all.

While the Wii U is more powerful than the 7th generation's video game consoles, it is not as powerful as the PS4 and Xbox One (Which is why Nintendo decides not to directly compete with them). Also, while the Xbox One and PS4 use X68, PC-like processors, the Wii U doesn't, making it harder to code games for both the Wii U and any other 8th-generation console.

Lastly, the Wii U is Nintendo's first console capable of 1080p gaming. Also, the Wii U is backwards-compatible with the Wii's games.

The Wii U has a unique controller that separates it from other consoles.

The Wii U is Nintendo's first HD console.

by AwesomeSaucer January 2, 2014

67πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Wii U

Wii U

Wii , iPad ------> SEX!

Man ! Have you seen the new Wii U? It's like a drunk Wii knocked up an iPad !

by M.Aurelio June 9, 2011

135πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

Wii U

The fricking disgrace of a console that is somehow a sequel to the best console ever, the Wii

Guy #1: Hey, you got a Wii?
Guy #2: Yeah, I've got a Wii U!
Guy #1: you God forsaken disgrace of a failed abortion...

by Scott The Woz October 31, 2020

17πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Wii U

The suuccessor to the Nintendo Wii, announced in June 2011 at E3.

Wii U like to play?

lolwut, that's a silly name!

by General Echidna June 9, 2011

69πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Wii U


Me: So I got a new console, the Wii U
Other human: you don’t have a Wii, how can you use it?
Me: uh it’s a new console different from the Wii?
Other human: why does it say Wii tho

by stsgsjgartRayxRatydaszdwgks October 31, 2020