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William Tell

A game where one person tries to shoot an apple or other similar object off the head of another person without hurting them.

"Joan Vollmer was killed by her husband while playing 'William Tell'."

by Knightsgate May 29, 2014

15👍 2👎

The William Tell

A sexual act in which a man starts playing the final part of the William Tell Overture and must have sex with his woman to the beat of the song. If he can go the entire time before he ejaculates then he wins.

A variant of the William Tell is the man plays the final and he must catch his girl and screw her before the song is over.

A: Guy 1: I did the William Tell with my wife the other night.

Guy2: Did you win?

Guy 1: Nah, I blew my wad with about 10 seconds left.

B: I put on the finale of the William Tell overture. My wife knew what was coming and she tried to run away. I caught her and fucked her before the song was over though so I won.

by BananaCabbage August 27, 2012

6👍 2👎

Filthy William Tell

A sex move consisting of a male participant defecating on the head of his partner, and then shooting his excrement from his partner's head by means of his ejaculate.

He nearly blinded her for life while attempting the Filthy William Tell.

by Conor the Bold February 11, 2009

18👍 4👎