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Wing on Wing

When sails are extended on both side whilst sailing downwind.

"Look dad, we're going wing on wing!"
"I am proud of you, son."

by Bob The Worder February 29, 2020

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Wing Wing

The most beautiful, nice, loyal girl you could ever met! If you ever met a wing wing in life, don’t miss you chance cause you will regret it forever!

That girl over there is an angel, she is such a wing wing.

by Yoboy62847 January 12, 2020

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Winging on the wing-wang

Masturbating on an NFL field to the cheerleaders

At the San Diego chargers football game, there was a security guard winging on the wing-wang.

by Wingman 15 December 26, 2016

Bing Chicka Wing Wing

Alternative word to any word that means AWESOME and some. It is a derivative of the previous phrase Bow Chicka Wow Wow. Coined by Lauren H. in the late 2011's in as much as, but not limited to, referencing of the paradoxical splendor gender of the smoothie blender. Basically, Bing Chicka Wing Wing can mean anything as long as that anything is "AWESOME and MORE."

Shannon: Hey guys! Do ya'll want to go get a soda?

Amy Jo: Yes, Shannon that sounds AWESOME!

Lauren: Well BING CHICKA WING WING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by ElleLately October 12, 2011

Wadda wadda wing wing

A term akin to hakunamata. To just live life and be chill brah

Man 1:Fuck man, my girl just left me and I just lost my job and my house caught fire
Man 2: Wadda wadda wing wing
Man 1: bro you're totally right

by Chunkychink June 12, 2017

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ting ting wibbily wing wing

The saying ting ting wibbily wing wing was first said by two sexy boys and it means a nice friendly greeting

Ting ting wibbily wing wing I didn't see u there ting ting wibbily wing wing

by Ting ting wibbily wing wing July 1, 2017

Chicken wing chicken wing hotdog and baloney chicken and macaroni chilling with my homies

A great song made on the DS.

"Hey man, have you heard that song that goes like Chicken wing chicken wing hotdog and baloney chicken and macaroni chilling with my homies?"
"No, I haven't"

by beefjerky392 June 5, 2020

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