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world bank

A conspiracy designed by neo-liberal capitalists to rob developing countries of their resources and ensure unequal distribution of wealth. This is accomplished under a claimed goal to "alleviate poverty" - an effective means to confuse the enemy (i.e. impoverished Mexican farmers, starving diamond miners in Africa, etc.).

"Hey, John, where are you going with that Molotov Cocktail?"
"I'm going to protest against the World Bank meeting in town today. Here's one for you."

by Luther Bliss January 29, 2018

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world banking powers

The banks that have loaned such a large amount of money to the nations of the world that they are deemed to own them. Most of these loans come from the United States of America, or, better stated, the Federal Reserve. See also: Federal Reserve Banks.

The world banking powers control most of the world, and few people notice them.

by Jon Davis January 14, 2004

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