Source Code

World at War

A WWII game that, In the opinions of many, is better than Modern Wafare 1 or 2.

Gamer #1: Hey dude, wanna Play modern Warfare?
Gamer #2: No thanks, I like World at war better

by LordXeras December 3, 2010

142๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of War Craft

One of the most addictive games ever made, Exessive playing results in rapid weight gain, loss of social life, loss of all chance to procreate, carpool tunnel, and stopping the spread of STDs.

person 1: "hey the team is going out for some food, want to come?"

person 2: "Sorry i cant, im going on a epic raid In World of War Craft"

person 1: "fag"

by Tyler747 January 19, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of War-crap

This is where you have to take a dump so bad but you're in the middle of something important in "World of Warcraft" that you wait to long and soil yourself.

Jimmy: Holy shit man, i just crapped my pants but i cant go im meeting up with someone in "World of Warcraft"!

Robert: That is disgusting, World of War-crap.

by SaleenS7 March 31, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Call Of Duty World at War

Best game to play if you want to own Nazi zombies, and make em pay for what they did to the Jews(or just to have some crazy mind blowing fun)

Man: Hey let's play Resident Evil so we can kill some zombies.

Man 2: No Man! Lets play Call of Duty World at War so we can kill NAZI zombies...Much more enjoyable.

by Dan The Man45 December 20, 2008

371๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž

Call of Duty: World at War

3.5 out of 5 video game made for many different consoles and the fifth in the Call of Duty series. Itt's like Cod 4 but World War ||. Has great graphics, cool online play, and freaking awesome Nazi Zombies. Sometimes you respawn in front of people on the other team and that just sucks. Tanks are incredibly cheap along with game lag, especially on when playing on " hardcore" online play where health is reduced and the heads-up-display is limited. Overall popular because of it's very successfull predessor, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Guy #1: Hey man I just got Call of Duty: World at War. I think it's a good game and Nazi Zombies is a unique mini game.

Guy #2: uh, okay... sweet

by .....Unknown..... March 3, 2009

123๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Call of Duty: World at War

An unrealistic MP-40 combat simulator.

God:Let's play "Call of Duty: World at War ."
God: Fuck, I just shot him 4 times with a bolt-action!
Timmy: Doesn't matter he has an MP-40; he does whatever the fuck he wants
God: Fuck this game!

Anybody that's not a fucktard: Have you ever noticed the MP-40 shoots a 9mm round yet, is the most powerful gun on this game?
Timmy:Doesn't matter he has an MP-40; he does whatever the fuck he wants

by bwomchickabowow March 22, 2009

136๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

Call of duty world at war

A game that has a good campaign, but an unplayable multiplayer due to the mp40 noobfests that happen in every game. Upon entering an online game, you will be greeted with a bunch of noobs who jump around waving their guns in all directions hoping to get a kill. Sniping, rifling, and shotgunning is completely useless in this game. Only get this game if you are a parapelegic retard who can't aim.

Boy1: Oh boy, I think i'll get Call of duty world at war so i can pwn noobs with my sniping skills.

Boy2: Pshhhh....have fun.

by lolmp40whore March 29, 2010

72๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž