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yes we can

Barack Obama's new catch phrase which has somehow been made into a song, of course by the Black Eyed Peas (featuring numerous other celebrities), cause they're SO politically conscious. The song is meant to be inspiring, yes people working together, we'll change the world, etcetera, etcetera, except it really leaves me wondering whether william or whatever his fucking name is (I know there are some fucking periods somewhere in it) has any ear for music, because the song sounds like crap, and the Obama voiceover kills any possibility of a person actually enjoying the experience of listening to it, because (and I'm not naming any names) certain types of peas just can't make music.

In spanish yes we can translates as si se puede, but the song still sucks orangutan tits.

by Cloudwacher22 February 5, 2008

117👍 85👎

Yes we can take your rights away

And if my response is murdering kids, then what? Then they just die.

Hym "And then you pretend is WASN'T the you refusing to acknowledge my rights... Probably cry like a bitch in private or in public... And then everyone else has to play along and live in delusion it you OR ELSE they ALSO don't get rights... But that isn't going to be the TRUE DICHOTOMY because you are doing this arbitrarily... And when your kids get murdered over it you pretend it isn't happening... So 'Yes we can take your rights away' is the language of someone who wants their kids to get murdered... Do... Do you want me to do it today? Should I go for a walk?"

by Hym Iam August 20, 2024