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A popular amnish name

What's up yoder

by Yosteins September 6, 2018

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Amish feller

He looks like a yoder

by Steely Stacks January 11, 2018


1. The best teacher in the whole wide world
2. The best person in the world
3. The most loved person in the world

Ms.Yoder is the best teacher in the world.

Ms.Yoder is the best person in the world.

Everyone loves Ms.Yoder

by Allison71 April 9, 2009

38πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž



by anonymous October 21, 2003

64πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


When someone does something completely and utterly retarded. A "Yoder" cannot be explained by logic, but by only shouting out, "Damn, what a fuckin Yoder."

When your drunk and tell a kid to take you and your keg back to your dorm room. Him being sober, reasonably comprehends he cannot bring a keg of beer into a dorm room but follows his friends directions without any discretion. "Damn what a Yoder."

by Ryan July 13, 2004

79πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


The smell of pain

After suffering from a head injury, all o could smell is the Yoder.

by K Duffy December 19, 2020

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The soft fleshy crease on the interior of the elbow.

β€œI went to give blood the other day and the girl stabbed me in the Arm 6 times before she got the vein. I am afraid my Yoder is going to be bruised for the next week!”

β€œAfter climbing a tree I went to straighten my arm only to find i sap on my inner arm leaving me with a sticky Yoder.”

by Kuskotopia August 26, 2018

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž