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You're worse

Doesn't matter. You will go extinct whether I want it or not but I don't have to let this go unpunished. I never will. Full credit. Full divulging in regard to the surveillance. The 2 goons are out.

Hym "You're worse. You're still worse you piece of shit. There aren't a lot of conditions as it stand and what I don't want is a situation where I get what I want here but not everything and then I just have to kill a kid in old age anyway because you only partially met the conditions. It's low now but it doesn't have to stay that way. I'm not going to actually make you give me Jennifer Lawrence as property that would be ridiculous. But there were 2 and now there are 3. They want to talk back in hatian gibberish and reference my family photo they can take their shit to X."

by Hym Iam July 4, 2024