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Yellow Paint

Something that makes you happy, even though it's toxic.

("Vincent Van Gogh consumed yellow paint, thinking it would make him happy")

She called him her yellow paint.
Luckily he didn't know what it meant

by just.another.name. April 15, 2017

16👍 2👎

yellow paint

something that you love despite it being toxic.
even if people warn you or call you crazy, it’s a thing you think will make you happy so you can’t stop.

origin: vincent van gogh used to eat yellow paint, because it was a happy color and he thought it would make him happy too.

people thought he was crazy because it was toxic, but it’s just how it goes. everyone’s got a thing

girl1: i’m in love with him!

girl2: you can’t be...he’s so toxic, he’s talking to like 7 other girls right now.... he doesn’t even care about you!
girl1: but he makes me happy! he’s my yellow paint.....

by imnotrunningforpresident February 16, 2020

12👍 1👎

eat yellow paint

to do what you think will make you happy

yellow is a happy color so eat yellow paint if you think that will make you happy.

by sopmacsirk August 11, 2019