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Yodan Son, an all powerful being who has come to earth to destroy it whenever he feels it's the right time.

Person 1:"Did you see Yodan Son today?"
Person 2: "Yeah, he looked at me and before i knew it, i was on my knees sucking him off."
Person 1: "I wish I could suck him off too..."

by byronbrownofbuffalo February 8, 2019

16👍 2👎


The act of Yodeling during intercourse.

I just got done Yodanaling you're mom dude

by ShultzyLOL April 29, 2023


Means "hi" a greeting. Used mostly by wiggas

Yodan, Hez.
Shut up Nick you're not black

by Jake November 10, 2004

7👍 3👎