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A person called Rodrigo that is really stupid.

Una persona llamada Rodrigo que esta bien pendejo jajaja.

Hey Zamudio
Hey pendejo
Hey stupid ass

by Alfonso December 12, 2004

13πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

juan zamudio

a short mexican whos prety fucking hot! but just uses girls for sex.he will say that he loves you and tell you your the only one but in the end will leave you after he gets wat he wants.AND will leave you for someone else

boy:your the one for me
boy:yea i swer i want you so bad
girl:ok lets do it
5 days later
boy:its over
boy:cus i love someone else
girl:your such a juan zamudio

by cmc! August 5, 2009

11πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Steffanie Zamudio

Steffanie is The most amazing person ever. She always stands for the right thing. She’s caring, and fun. Steffanie is one of my best friends. No one can top my bff ❀️

Steffanie Zamudio is my bff from now untill the end of the world <3

by Lluvirula October 11, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


(Somerset teacher) a stupid ass bitch who don’t be give a fuck bout her students is ugly in every way loves to tell kids to burn in a fire. Likes to get kids in trouble with their parents and kicks them out of their class before they even walk in and called my bsf (Jacob love) big scary man *Spanish accent

Theirs a piece of shit on the floor it’s another Zamudio

by Hernylono November 29, 2018