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A Writer

A drink made of 4 shots of espresso and a coffee filling all in a 20 ounce cup. Used primarily by writers and college students to squeeze just a few more precious hours of getting words out on the page.

I need at least 20 more pages done by class tomorrow, I'm going to need a writer or two...

by IrvingWashington April 10, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of authorship, the essence of being a writer, of having writerly qualities and possessing writerly skillz, especially in the case of creating fiction

Often includes the believable manipulation of truth, the careful adjustment of events, and the insertion of multi-layered meaning in everything that is said or done, despite the fact that no one else probably gets it.

That guy sees and interprets everything. He never stops writering, gosh!

by Cloudzy March 5, 2007


Someone who has the power to turn caffeine into words.

He is one of the best writers in the business.

by NM77 May 5, 2016

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Writers write, right?

If you write you are a writer.

by Robin April 24, 2005

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A writer is someone who dedicates their time to you.

A writer is someone who writes about galaxies and stars.. about constalations.

A writer writes song lyrics for you.

A writer stretches their hands

A writer uses their noggin

A writer is patient, a writer is inpatient

A writer is a perfectionist
A writer is impulsive

A writer follows their instinct


by *chiquita.lolita. August 15, 2018

32๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who creates with words vast worlds either through facts or pure imagination. A true writer that is commited to his/her work writes with their heart in order to bring what is truly their spirit to life.

This does not include those who are Fan Fiction writers only. Only because you're working off of something that already has set palces and characters. However Fan Fiction is a good way to start for aspiring newcomers.

by Demon 666 August 18, 2004

254๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person, paid or unpaid, who writes. See literature for infomation on what writers do. A writer is one who uses words as a form of creative expression.

A sign of a writer is inventing stories about the people you see, no matter where you are.

by Katy December 26, 2003

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