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A Boring Story

This story is tooooo common, it will be boring if everyone does this

A boring story
By someone
A family that has a father, mother, older sister and younger brother.
The father and mother love the brother but didn't love the sister.
Then the father and mother threw the sister away.
The sister studied hard and created a company.
The father and mother became beggars because they gave all the money to the brother.
The father and mother asked the sister to return their "love".
The sister rejected and threw them back to the street

by Lily Pig June 17, 2021

Back Story Bore

Someone who refuses to answer a simple question and insists on giving you their entire life story.

“....and then I wanted to plant tulips but I just don’t think our soil is right for it...”
“Sir! I just need to know, soup or salad!” Said the poor waitress after a 5 minute story from the Back Story Bore on table 8.

“Can I get your name please, ma’am?”
“Well I called because I got this letter and I was going to call yesterday when I got it but then my sister called and then it started to rain so I had to....”
MA’AM!!! I need your name before I can even help you!” Denise screamed at the back story bore who was eating into her lunch hour.

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

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