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aged up

Making a character older than what they really are

“ isn’t his cannon age 19? “
“ yes but he’s aged up so he can fit in my story

by Notreadytogrowup August 8, 2021

11👍 2👎

aged up

n. feeling old in a specific event (from the sitcom terms Plot-Relevant Age Up, Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome (SORAS))

man, this hangover kills! I'm so aged up, one bottle and I'm wrecked...

by emile2 December 14, 2011

4👍 9👎

Aged up DoraxReader

(Dora is aged up for legal reasons) Dora walked up close to you and pulled you into her backpack. In there you saw Map and a bunch of tools. Dora carried you until you arrived at your destination. Before you could walk away she pulled you into a kiss. You kisses back, she ends the kiss and asks you if you want to make chocolate with her grandmother. You guys stirred it together locking eyes forgetting that her grandmother is right next to you. Be grandmother coughs to get your attention and as soon as that you get back to work.

“Have you read any Aged up DoraxReader lately?”
“Ya this one is a good one

by NOYA-SANN May 6, 2021