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air lock

When Three Guys have sex with one girl at the same time sealing all of her holes up (Ass hole, Mouth and Pussy).

My two budies and I air locked this chick last night.

by tzj June 28, 2006

76👍 20👎

Air lock

An absence of alcohol or an abrupt cut off of alcohol supply just as people have started getting tipsy.

Basically when the alcohol finishes just as people started enjoying it.

Friend 1: Shit the alcohol is done and Garry will only be back from the shops in an hour.

Friend 2: Oh no, we are going to go through air lock for a whole hour!

by Mai09 December 27, 2018

11👍 2👎

Air Lock

When a girl is sucking your cock, you grab the back of her head, pulling her close while sticking two fingers up her nose...

air lock: I was getting a bj at movies last night, and I totally airlocked that bitch..

by princedick September 25, 2009

17👍 35👎

Air Lock

When a girl is sucking your cock, you grab the back of her head, pulling her close while sticking two fingers up her nose...

air lock: I was getting a bj at movies last night, and I totally airlocked that bitch..

by princedick September 25, 2009

7👍 26👎

Air-based vision locked targeting system

When you take a dump off a building and hit someone.

Them: Hey man, you should use your Air-based vision locked targeting system!
Me: Naa...
Them: Five bucks if you hit the baby
Me: Deal!

by LividPlanets February 7, 2019

1👍 4👎