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air travel

Once a futuristic fantasy, soon a fairy tale of the magical past.

"Once upon a time, in the olden days, people would get into a metal tube, which would rise up in the sky, and when they got out of it, a little while later, they were in a completely different part of the world."

Yes, sweetheart, it's really true. It was called "air travel". Now, as soon as Daddy closes your door, take off your mask, close your eyes, and have sweet dreams.

by Monkey's Dad April 21, 2020

The Air Travel Bubble Hypothesis

Every time two countries announce an air travel bubble, one of them will see a spike in corona cases closer to the flight date, dashing hopes of paid travellers, who would nevertheless be consoled that they would be given first priority for the next fight if they were not to cancel their booking.

On the one occasion when the air travel bubble hypothesis was apparently proved wrong, the decades-old Soviet plane that was carrying a few dozen Russian mercenaries and terrorists was never heard again after take-off—had the ATB hypothesis struck in a more deadly form?

by MathPlus March 11, 2022

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