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Amazing boyfriend.

The best boyfriend ever who a girl loves to pieces!

Linzi thinks Kieron stibbles is an Amazing boyfriend. !

by Linzi.....W April 7, 2009

23πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Amazing Boyfriend

The guy that always puts the biggest smile on your face. The one who makes you laugh so hard you cry. The sweetest guy ever. He doesn’t, lie, doesn’t cheat, and would do anything to make sure you are okay. He understands you and loves you with everything in him.

Example: oh my God Noah is so cute he just showed up to my house with movies and popcorn he is such an amazing boyfriend

by Munchiezx December 12, 2018

16πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

the most amazing boyfriend

This ones easy, his name is Cory. Tall and strong and handsome! This is the sweetest guy you will ever know! Im so incredibly lucky to call him mine! He's absolutely perfect inside and out! And did I mention he has the sexiest butt the worlds ever seen? ;) Xxxx<3

The way he can brighten your day with just a smile and how hes always reminding you that you're beautiful(: The insanely sweet messages he'll send you to remind you that he loves you, and all the Saturday's you spend together that mean the absolute world to you! He truly is the most amazing boyfriend<3

by baileyymorgan November 17, 2012

3πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

Amazing weeb boyfriend

A guy who is unknowingly adorable af and deserves the universe

Savon is such a amazing weeb boyfriend

by The jellyfish January 18, 2020