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anal pounding

The act of ferociously moving your phallus in and out of another anus.

"WOW, last night was wild, anal pounding all night!!1!"

by JonnyLzRyan August 8, 2006

66👍 10👎

anal pounded weasel

a small weasel being raped analy while screaming " holy shit you cock sucker ! "

" damn that poor anal pounded weasel ..."

by imerplayer January 1, 2010

14👍 4👎

anal ass pound

when you fuck some one in the ass till there butt cheeks turn red and sock them in the red butt cheeks

Dude, I just anal ass pounded Justin, he's gonna be shittin' blood for 8 days straight!

by Hayden Clark December 16, 2008

34👍 39👎