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angel hair pasta

the best motha fuckin pasta in the entire gosh damn world b-i-itch

mmm that angel hair pasta taste so good make ya slap ya momma oh my god bless america

by lance n jacob March 28, 2004

22👍 19👎

Angel Haired Pasta

When a man excretes his load on a hairy woman's vagina, he then proceeds to eat her out.

Amit: Dude, so what did you do at the cabin with your girlfriend this weekend?
Brad: Just ate some good-old angel haired pasta.

by QBAM February 2, 2009

2👍 8👎

Marinara Angel Haired Pasta

Similar to the angel haired pasta, while the girl is on her period. Takes place when a man excretes his load on a womans pubic hair and procedes to eat her out, while she is on her period.

Johnny: Dude I had the best pasta last night.
Steve: What kind did you have dude?
Johnny: I had some of my girl's famous marinara angel haired pasta!

by BAMQ February 2, 2009

3👍 8👎