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Angry cow

When your fucking a girl hard Iā€™m talk mad hard in the pussy and your nuts are slapping her asshole till it bleeds she makes the face of an angry cow

Niggers have angry cows every day

by iGxrm December 6, 2018

12šŸ‘ 2šŸ‘Ž

angry cow

While doing an ugly lactating girl from behind, when you're about to nut, quickly reach under grabbing both tits and squeeze as hard as you can. (Extra points for having cold hands, and extra points if you are able to successfully milk her.)

I gave my wife an angry cow this morning. She screamed so loud she woke the baby!

by Too tall May 26, 2014

5šŸ‘ 4šŸ‘Ž

poking the angry cow

tempting fate, taking a risk.

I feel like I'm poking the angry cow by meeting this guy off of this dating website.

by lookarobot April 18, 2010