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ass cowboy

a homosexual person, derogatory term

dude u are so an ass cowboy

by k May 9, 2002

39👍 13👎

ass cowboy

A sexual term meaning to dress in cowboy boots and a hat and sometimes bandanna and face your partner to the sunset as you mount her doggie style and yell "Yee Haw"

Last night I gave my girlfriend an ass cowboy after we watched westerns.

by Nodog July 28, 2003

25👍 12👎

Ass Cowboys

Another word for hemorrhoids they're just cowboys on your asshole ig.

"Wow Melissa those ass cowboys are really gettin to me today, feels like a whole herd of cows stamped over my asshole"

by RobertDiNerosMoistyButtFolds February 11, 2019

2👍 2👎