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Ass Shoe

Giving someone an enema with your shoe. This includes but is not limited to: A boot, high heels, sneakers, chucks, track spikes, and all forms of footwear.

"I am going to ass shoe your ass if you dont shut your ass."

by flemdaddy November 10, 2008

18👍 7👎

Ass Shoes

What Dave May eats.

"Hey Chris what does Dave May eat?"
"Ass Shoes!"

by Gary November 25, 2003

5👍 15👎

ass-kicking shoes

The shoes you wear when you go ass kicking. Shoes reserved specifically for instances in which you anticipate needing to metaphorically/actually kick some ass

1. Thug: hand over yo' shit
You: sucks to be you, I always wear my ass-kicking shoes (proceeds to beat the ever loving shit out of said thug.)

2. Derp1: Dude, how did you ace that test?

Derp 2: I wore my ass-kicking shoes

by batgod November 5, 2013