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at dolla dolla

symbolic for @$$, or other words, ASS. the real gangsta way of creatively spittin your vocabulary.

Ya'll best shut up or i'mma bust a cap in yo' at dolla dolla!

by fobesman April 27, 2006

5👍 7👎

Half Dollas-Dollas

Half dollars are similar to saushers nipples in that they are both relativly large nipples, the only difference is half dollars resemble that of a half dollar with the lines around the center.

Mallory: *flashes trevor*

by peasy September 12, 2005

dolla, dolla, bill ya'll

orginated from an old english axiom that refers to the act of making money.

The phrase was first coined by Benjiman Franklin then later evolved to "a penny saved, is a penny earned."

by iceman November 6, 2003

414👍 101👎

dolla, dolla, bill ya'll

makin money by beggin and hustlin

please can i have 5 bucks? no? gimme your wallet before i pull out my switchblade and cut some beef of your ass

by switch484 February 8, 2005

69👍 206👎

dolla dolla make you holla

1. What the pimp says to their hoe.
2. Anytime a friend gives you money, especially a dollar bill, it's appropriate to be said.
3. Should be yelled at the top of your lungs while on the middle of the dance floor, if and when someone places a dollar in your pants/panties.
4. When in need of money just yell "dolla dolla make you holla."

1. Pimp says, "Just remember, Sally .. dolla dolla make you holla."

2. Katie hands Kaci a dollar for a pickle. Kaci says, "dolla dolla make you holla."

3. Jeremiah slips a dollar in Katie's panties while she's slutting it up on the dance floor. Katie yells, "dolla dolla make you hollllla."

4. While standing on the corner of 3rd and 4th, in risque attire, yell "dolla dolla make you holla" at passing vehicles.

by agatha crabs August 16, 2008

73👍 30👎

one dolla! one dolla!

when chinese guys are selling you stuff you don't want they always go: one dolla! getchar socks on'y one dolla!

Chinese guy: one dolla! one dolla!
Racist: (takes a gun and shoots the chinese guy) get of my fucking country, you bastard!

by All My Gods Have Failed Me... March 15, 2008

15👍 42👎

dolla dolla iced tea

i drink that

I aint a rappa, but
dolla dolla iced tea
i drink that

by Dank Doolan March 12, 2015