Source Code

Audio and Video

A code word for Anal and Vaginal sex.

"My girl is into the Audio AND Video!"

"She's such a ho. I hear she is a total A/V girl!"

"Last night was all about the Audio and Video"

by canturburySEA June 15, 2010

22👍 6👎

audio video interleave

Audio Video Interleave Is A File Type Made Back In November Of 1992 Commonly Using The .avi Extension. Audio Video Interleave (AVI For Short) Supports Many Different Encoding Methods And Can Go To 8K Depending On How Its Encoded. It Is Also Uncompressed Video Which Commonly Looks Better Than MPEG-4 Video (.mp4).

1.What Is This FIle Called Example.avi? Its An Audio Video Interleave File

by TheRetroMan486 November 15, 2020