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Autistic High

Being so high, that you literally have developed an acute form of autism for the duration of the high.

She had smoked so much weed she had reachd Autistic High. She starting meowing and laughing uncontrollably with no idea as to what was causing the laughter.

by CrazytacoseatKz October 9, 2010

35👍 35👎

Autistic high

Getting so high that ones state of intelligence plummets below the level of that of an autistic male/female.

Yo, Nick was talking about how blind people never know what they look like when they get dressed!

Yeah, he was autistic high!

by psujew1 February 28, 2017

7👍 8👎

autistic kid high

The state of being when one smokes so much marijuana, they begin to develop characteristics similar to that of an autistic child. Symptoms include a desire not to be touched, brooding silence, lack of eye contact, and often wandering off without telling anyone.

Liz is currently autistic kid high. She freaked out when I tried to hug her good-bye, then left the room mid-conversation without a word to anyone.

by ribcagee May 11, 2011

17👍 16👎