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baby butter

The kind of butter that makes a woman fat, in a pregnant sort of way, if it enters through vaginal intercourse. Ironically, this butter can be part of a fat free diet if consumed orally. The latter use is recommended for most women. Also commonly referred to as semen, jizz, love spit, etc.

Her: Rub some cocoa butter on my back, honey!

Him: I'd rather put some baby butter on your face, dear...

by -Matt Young, USMC December 7, 2007

60👍 10👎

baby butter

Thick white material used for creating babies. Sometimes called semen.

I touched my penis is an innapropriate manner and baby butter came out.

by Rick James, Bitch April 7, 2004

22👍 15👎

butter baby

A fine light skinned girl.

I be on the dance floor with butter babies, all dime pieces no ugly ladies. -Malik, Eastside Chedda Boys

by sdotty313 May 30, 2005

31👍 11👎

Truffle Butter Baby

The result of being conceived although your dad finished in your mom's ass. He went butt, pussy, butt, pusyy, butt, creating a large amount of extra dark, extra chunky truffle Butter. Your dad eventually came, but the truffle butter was to much and somehow you rose from the filth.

Baller and knotts are truffle butter baby twins. They momma was nastyyy.

by ballsdeepinyamom March 25, 2015

184👍 53👎

peanut butter baby

A baby covered in peanut butter

Wow that peanut butter baby is the best thing I've ever seen

by Gini pig July 13, 2017

10👍 2👎

Like butter baby

A saying used to describe how easy it was to accomplish whatever you were trying to do.

You say its like butter baby when you fuck a girl the first night you meet her.
Land a freaking wicked redonkulous trick the first time you try it.
Take someones money gambling.
Drain 3's at the basketball court.

by M CAZ August 19, 2009

9👍 6👎

Big booty peanut butter baby bitches

Babies with large buttocks with a thick layer of peanut butter covering their entire body who constantly steal yo man.
Safety Instructions:
-Always keep securely contained. If you do not do so it will easily escape your watch and steal yo man
-Do not make eye contact. If you do the BBPBBB will be able to enter your soul and eat away at your humanity until there's nothing left but peanut butter. Then it will steal yo man
-If you must, only ever feed it battery acid and peanut butter. Anything else will cause it to spontaneously combust, blowing up a 10 block radius, killing you and everyone around you. Then it will steal yo man, if he wasn't blownup of course.
How to kill it:
-Be single. It will die of disappointment.
-Feed it almond butter instead of peanut butter. It will become so enraged that it will kill itself
Please, if you spot a big booty peanut butter baby bitch and wanna keep yo man, do not engage.

Guy: Whoa dude? Why is peanut butter leaking from every hole in your body? KInda hot ngl.
Other guy: I kidnapped some big booty peanut butter baby bitches and forgot avoid eye contact
Guy: Oh you fuckin idiot. This is 101 cmon how could you forget?
Other guy: I know, I know. Wait! Behind you!
Other guy: goddamit it stole my man

by 00milky_loaf00 May 3, 2022

5👍 2👎