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Baby Child

The youngest, sometimes spoiled and often sassiest in a series of 2 or more siblings.

Note: known to throw temper tantrums if they do not get their way.

Good god that sure is one spoiled rotten baby child!

by chrisemc May 22, 2008

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sweet baby child

A dear friend, especially an innocent one.

β€œNushki is my sweet baby child!”
β€œYeah, isn’t she the best?”

by Anyesimo Obesimo May 9, 2019

baby nigger child

A name for someone you love.

"Ryan is Sydney's baby nigger child"

by Large Wacker April 18, 2017

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80s Baby 90s Child

An extension of just the simple 80s Baby phrase. It gives a clear indication that people born in the 1980s, also grew up in the 90s, thereby acquiring all things culture in both decades.

Also a poem written by Leo Pindar in 2005

Dude, you remember Street Fighter?

Hell ya son. I'm an 80s Baby 90s Child.

by Leo Pindar July 22, 2010

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Baby Olympics/Child Support Roulette

When a group of guys jerk off into a container and dump it into a girl's pussy. Whoever gets her pregnant loses.

"Fuck, I have to pay this bitch $200 in child support cause I lost baby olympics/child support roulette!"

"What's that?"

"Me and a couple guys nutted into a jar and poured it into this chick's pussy!"

"What the fuck?"

by niggasandtheirchicken December 6, 2019

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baby man child

It's a baby that looks like an old man. Or an adolescent male who attempts to act like he is grown but in turn appears even younger than he is.

Google Image "baby jesus baroque paintings" and you'll see

(ex. 1)
Ben: Did you see that baby over there? Totally looks like an old man!
Jerry: That's a baby man child!

(ex. 2)
Amy: That freshman over there thinks he's so cool, he's bragging about how many girls he got with last night.
Caleb: It makes him seem like he's still in middle school, such a baby.
Cara: That makes him a baby man child!

by your.hugh.jass September 27, 2013

child baby

ridiculously dumb person;mental retard

'that girl just tripped up the stairs'
'i know she's such a child baby'

by bryiloo lawrence February 2, 2009