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Bad Tequila Experience

The most AWESOME ROCKIN' rock band ever ! Incredibly talented musicians that play the best music ever ! Soon to be famous so look for this name :)


Dude #1 - Dude , did you hear about that new band that plays incredibly awesome music !
Dude #2 - Cheaaa Dude , Thats Bad Tequila Experience ! They totally rock ! My family always blasts their music !

by BTE_FAN July 11, 2010

7👍 7👎

Bad experience

Someone who didn’t have a good time some where that can fill them with stress, fear, panic, regret, and queasy.

“Hey Liam I had a bad experience with a washing machine” “I am so sorry

by Dndndbxnsjdhcusu123563 April 15, 2022