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bad high

most common among first time users of any type of recreational drug.

not to be confused with an overdose.

occurrs when the effects of a drug become overwhelming to the user. could also occur because of the body becoming aware of the foreign chemicals within, and seeking to purge itself of the impurities.

extreme anxiety/paranoia may also induce this phenomenon

symptoms include:
extreme lethargy
blurred vision

it is not uncommon for those who experience a "bad high" to feel revitalized and "normal" almost immediately after vomiting.

"Yo man, I feel bad for Kimberly, we were having a great time and then all of the sudden she just got sick!"

"She'll be okay, she just got a bad high."

by Corpsesludge July 13, 2007

202👍 33👎

stonsed to the drunk bad high

Really fucked up, only to be used if:
1. you are really stoned and drunk
2. are in a humerous situation

"Stonsed to the drunk bad high"

by Otto November 3, 2003

14👍 10👎