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badda bing

A common phrase usually used by an italian when you are excited or ancy. Also, is uses as an exclamation

We went in there and Badda Bing! we took care of everything

by Dino Parmagiano June 27, 2006

34👍 6👎

Badda Bing, Badda Boom

Often heard in the order "badda bing, badda boom", the phrase is a way of saying, "That's it, it's all taken care of". The exact origin of "badda boom, badda bing" is a mystery, but the best guess I've heard is that it started as a verbal imitation of a "rim shot," the drummer's punctuation to a comic's punchline in the old vaudeville routines.

"We set the Judge up with a hooker, Louie busts in with a camera, and badda bing, badda boom, case dismissed".

by Robbie Mullen February 7, 2007

237👍 58👎