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Ball Bearings

What you say when you have no idea how something works. Usually referring to something technical of which you absolutely have no fucking knowledge

β€˜It’s all ball bearings these days’ said the airplane salesman to the mechanic fixing fuel line of true plane.

by Sedamsville14 October 31, 2019

Ball bearings

When you orgasm so hard you are dizzy and are trying to get your balance.

Usually said while trying to get them a towel or glass of water.

"I came so hard, hold on while I get my ball bearings"

by Tyler_dm November 11, 2019

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ball bearing

Another name for a woman's clit

I met this chick the other night, took her back to my spot, and worked that ball bearing all night long!

by Snuman January 24, 2007

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Ball bearings

Another nickname for male testicles.

As Mark gets to his chance with Sophie he begins to worry about his large Ball bearings.

Id rather cut off My own Ball bearings than visit the doctor.

by Mrballbearing June 8, 2010

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Ball bearing mousetrap

A tomcat.....think about it.
This is an old slang term for an unaltered male cat

I had a bit of a rodent problem in my kitchen so I went down to the pound and got a ball bearing mousetrap.

by Pogo56 April 26, 2009

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rusty ball bearing

A testicle with traces of fecal matter present.

That girl I was getting balls deep in sharted, gave me a rusty ball bearing

by Nefurious December 9, 2016

Ball bearing jackass

Another term for a motorcycle. Mainly a blue collar and or redneck term, although the two are not synonymous. You will hear this term most often said in regard to a chopper or bobber.

Clint: Hey man, gonna ride the ball bearing jackass to school today?

Ed: Nah, that'd be a death wish today with how slick the roads are.

by Travesty360 March 5, 2017