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balls in a vice-grip

1)When someone encounters a particularly difficult situation.

2)Or when a male has his genitals placed in a piece of apperatus owned by a carpenter.

1) Man, this court case has my balls in a vice-grip.

by JJ November 25, 2003

54👍 10👎

balls in a vice grip

When a man is under extreme stress or pressure, usually from a female, due to a mistake or deadline.

Damn, my girl has my *balls in a vice grip* because I cheated on her.

by Devil421 November 26, 2003

49👍 9👎

Balls in a vice grip

Somebody got you good, real good!

Zappa:"She had my balls in a vice but she left the dick, I guess it's still hooked on but now it shoots too quick. Oh god I am the american dream, but now I smell like Vaseline and I'm a miserable son of a bitch, am I a boy or a lady, I don't know which."

by Ghostwriter4u November 26, 2003

30👍 10👎

my balls in a vice grip

"To put ones testicles in the crushing hold of a vice grip"

You --"Oh shit man, I've been shot"
Paramedic -- "Looks like you got my balls in a vice grip here"

by Hobix June 12, 2008

11👍 10👎