Source Code


BARK OFF to anything negative in your life that is holding you back from embracing your true self! BARK OFF to the toxic people that dust you with their poisons. BARK OFF and stop letting them steal your energy, dampen your spirit, and drag you down! BARK OFF to negative jobs, negative relationships, and negative situations!

BARK OFF before I get unfriendly!

by Bella’s Bark Boutique June 4, 2022

Barking off

The act of masturbating while your dog licks your balls and ass.

Holy shit. I was jackin' it and my dog totally started rimmin' my ass and lickin' my balls. I was like, man, I bet barking off isn't in the urban dictionary yet!

by doglover3140 February 1, 2011

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Chew the bark off the Fat log

a male asking a female to nibble and suck on there penis.

chew the bark off the fat log

by l3ogroll October 17, 2009

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

piss the bark off a tree

To pee so hard you could take the bark off of a tree

β€œWhen I was young, I could piss the bark off a tree.”

by CharlieAlpha November 13, 2022